After a relaxing month off during which we gave (almost) zero thought to anything medically related and took a family vacation to Great Wolf Lodge and a two-nighter at The Briars Lodge near Lake Simcoe (no kids for that one), we were back at it again.
Travelling down to London on the 15th, we met with our radiologist and neuro-oncologist to go over my most recent MRI from October 9th. It was explained to us that there was some "signal" detected at the original surgical site but that it was unknown whether that was scar tissue or some of the tumour that remained. Regardless, it had shrunken since my last MRI back in July. Both of my team doctors felt that this was good thing nonetheless and now I get to coast a bit until my next MRI in January. We headed to the pharmacy and picked up my first round of chemo and off we went.
I was a bit worried how I'd respond this time as I was going from 150mg to 305mg but, aside from some fatigue on the 4th and 5th days, I think I managed. Now we're off again until November 19th, at which time we'll travel down to London again for round #2. In other news, we now have chickens in our basement.
Glad to hear that you not only had time to not think about anything medical but also got some positive news back. CHICKENS!!!! Oh man you guys are going to be "laying" around now for sure :)